FIT 1008/2085 A1 quiz 2024-8-27 11:13 | 32 | 0 | A1 15 Words | Few seconds FIT 1008/2085 A1 quiz (please don’t try the quiz yet) /4 FIT 1008/2085 Quiz FIT 1008/2085 Quiz 1 / 4 What will be the returned value from the following function:def mystery(lst): bingo = 0 for item in lst: if bool(item): bingo += 1 return bingowhen the value of list is [0, 1, 2, 3, None, 5, -0, 6, 7, None] Check 2 / 4 Consider the following implementation of a class for a Monash student:class Student: def __init__(self, name, stud_id): = name self.stud_id = stud_id def __gt__(self, other): # TODO: Finish implementation return self.stud_id > other.stud_id self.stud_id > other.stud_id stud_id > other.stud_id return stud_id > other.stud_id 3 / 4 What is the purpose of this function?def scramble(my_container): mid = len(my_container)//2 a = my_container[mid] b = my_container[0] c = [] for item in my_container: if item > a: c.append(item) elif item < b: b = item return c, b The function counts the number of elements in the array that are bigger than the middle element and then returns the last element and the count. The function returns the first element of the array and the list of elements greater than the first element. The function collects the sum of the elements in the array and then returns the first element and the sum list. The function collects elements bigger than the middle element in the array and then return it along with the smallest element. 4 / 4 How many times will the marked line in the following code run when the input integer is n?def mystery(n): stamp = 0 if n <= 0: return 0 else: for i in range(n): for j in range(n): stamp += j # This line return stampAnswer in terms of n 2^n logn n n^2 Your score is 0% Restart quiz A1