What is Linear Probing? Why and when is it used? What is the basic idea behind linear probing and how is it implemented? How does it handle a collision? How does it handle a conflict?
Consider the following array in a LinearProbeHashTable: Which is created using this hash function: Calculate the hash value for each of the values inserted in the table.What can you say about the order in which the keys were added to the table?Give the probe chain for all keys that required linear probing. Ord values: a: 97, w: 119, o: 111, k: 107, h: 104, e: 101, n: 110, r: 114, i: 105
Consider the following hash function: which is used in a Hash Table which has linear probing implemented (with a standard probe step size of 1). Also, consider the following strings: Calculate and state the hash value of the above strings. Explain and show how they are inserted into the table (using the same order of insertion). State what happens when you search for the strings "python", "java" and "program". Ord values: h: 104, w: 119, p: 112, t: 116
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What does this function do? Analyze the time complexity of its single run in terms of the input size n. How does the use of the yield keyword and the conditional statement affect the output of the function? Provide some examples of input values and their corresponding output values. Finally, explain some potential use cases for this generator function.
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What is Separate Chaining Why is it used? How is it implemented? What data structures can be used to implement separate chaining? Leave your answer below as a comment
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